P.O.Box 2908 Damascus – Syria
(+) 963 11 33 44 391/2
Upon the request of the General Secretariat of ICC HQ, Ms. Mouna Kiwan participated as a speaker, represented ICC Syria, in order to exchange experiences regarding the NCs practices in various communication methods with members, partners and stakeholders in the Syrian business sector. Kiwan presented several topics regarding Member Recognition and Involvement and how to recognize and involve active members by featuring them in newsletters, social media posts, and speaking opportunities at events in addition to their participation in ICC Committees. Acknowledging their contributions, reinforces their sense of belonging and encourages their continual engagement.
In addition to mentioning the importance of evaluating membership strategies regularly and adapting them based on the feedback from members and changing market dynamics, which is an essential factor to secure their membership and key to ensure long-term member satisfaction and retention.