P.O.Box 2908 Damascus – Syria
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ICC Syria organized a unique training course on the occasion of launching the newly formed Insurance Committee Sponsored by United Insurance Company (UIC).
The first event was holding a training course entitled “Reinsurance Practices” for 52 trainees from insurance companies in the field of reinsurance. Experts from the Syrian insurance sector delivered the training. Mr. Malek Al-Botros, General Manager of the United Insurance Company, and Mr. Rami Ibrahim, Deputy General Manager, Technical of Solidarity Alliance Insurance Co., with the participation of Mr. Al-Hamzah Al-Sheikh Yassin from the Arab Union Reinsurance Company.
The second was ICC Syria Insurance Committee Launching Ceremony, in the presence of several members of ICC Syria Board of Directors, chaired by Mr. Naji Chaoui, in presence of Mr. Khalil Sara Secretary General, and with the participation of representatives of the Insurance Supervisory Authority, the Syrian Insurance Federation, Arab Union Reinsurance Company, and a number of general managers and CEOs of insurance companies and banks in Syria.
In light of the need for such a committee to promote cooperation and collaboration within the insurance sector to meet the challenges the Syrian economy is experiencing; ICC Syria launched the National Insurance Committee.