P.O.Box 2908 Damascus – Syria
(+) 963 11 33 44 391/2
Ladies and Gentlemen
It is a pleasure to present to you ICC Syria E- Newsletter for 2024.
This edition includes various activities, trainings, and events in which ICC Syria participated or organized, at the local and international levels, in an effort to best represent the interests of the Syrian business community, and to continue being the international business voice of Syria.
We would also like to share with you the latest reports and publications issued by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and its global committees in addition to BUSINESSMED reports.
Furthermore, you can view the international and professional training courses offered by the ICC Syria and the courses of ICC Academy.
We put this E-Newsletter at your disposal, wishing you continual development and prosperity in your business.
Naji Chaoui
Chair - ICC Syria