P.O.Box 2908 Damascus – Syria (+) 963 11 33 44 391/2 info@icc-syria.com


P.O.Box 2908 Damascus – Syria

Phone no.

(+) 963 11 33 44 391/2

E-mail Address


Mr. Naji Chaoui Foreword - ICC Syria President

Mr. Naji Chaoui Foreword - ICC Syria President


Ladies and Gentlemen

It is my pleasure to present to you ICC Syria’s first edition E- Newsletter for 2022.

We all know that the Syrian Business Community has been vibrant, despite difficulties.

We are all well aware of the fact that our members (liberal professions, business women, and business men) are determined to preserve our legacy of business traditions and practices as well as our social role.

This in spite of the difficult economic environment prevailing and the impact of the spread of epidemics, inflation, shortage of energy resources and global conflicts, which affected both local and global economic activities.  

In these circumstances, the Syrian National Committee of the ICC, continued to engage with the national stakeholders, as well as on the level of the International Chamber of Commerce, through our participation in the international conferences, and the various commissions of the ICC to make the voice of the Syrian professionals and the Syrian business community heard during the discussions of the various global business issues dealt by the ICC, such as diversity, global governance and responsible business; and last but not least, in calling for the support of the Syrian private sector, which is an important vector for the reconstruction of Syria.

We, ICC Syria have also organized a number of activities and conferences in various fields such as training in Incoterms 2020 rules, Effective Administrative, and Communication Skills, always in the objective of spreading and raising awareness amongst our members (especially the youth) of the ICC advocacy work for responsible and ethical business conduct.

It has been my great privilege to join my colleagues of ICC Syria board in supervising and/or participating in the activities that we describe in our first edition E- Newsletter for 2022 and look very much forward to continuing to work together in the upcoming years.  

Naji Chaoui

President - ICC Syria