International Chamber of Commerce Syria
About ICC Syria
The Syrian National Committee is part of the International Chamber of Commerce since 1987 and one of over 130 National Committees around the world; ICC Syria adapts and works on achieving ICC Mission and Vision by applying and implementing the updates of global business environment which lead to maintain the positive impact in international trade.
ICC Mission:
We Make Business Work for Everyone, Every day, Everywhere.
ICC Vision:
We Enable Business Worldwide to Secure Peace, Prosperity and Opportunity for All.
ICC Syria Objectives:
- To facilitate and promote international trade, services and investments.
- To foster economic growth of both developed and emerging economies.
- To represent Syrian commercial, professional service and industrial enterprises in international business events and conferences.
- To organize seminars, conferences, and workshops, such as Incoterms®2020 – Letters of Credit – Trade Finance.
- To secure constant communication within the General Secretariat of the International Chamber of Commerce through a liaison officer in order to follow up the updates of the business world.
- To advertise ICC publications which are vital for banking, arbitration, and other business sectors.